We welcome contributions! You can help improve the library in many ways:
- Report issues or propose enhancements using on the GitHub issue tracker
- Improve or extend the codebase
- Improve or extend the documentation
Getting started
Fork the repository on GitHub and clone it to your computer:
We use uv for project management and packaging. Install it with
Then, you can install the library and all dependencies (including development dependencies) and install the pre-commit hooks:
From here you can work on your changes! Once you're satisfied with your changes, and followed the additional instructions below, push everything to your repository and open a pull request on GitHub.
Contributing to the codebase
Don't forget to include new tests if necessary, then make sure that all tests are passing with
Contributing to the documentation
You can work on the documentation by modifying mkdocs.yaml
and files in docs/
. The most convenient way to do it is to run
and open the locally hosted documentation on your browser. It will be updated automatically every time you make changes and save. If you edit or add pieces of LaTex math, please make sure they are rendered correctly.